31 December 1969 m

Hirsty Bar - Starring Stuart Gray and Lee Bullen

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  • Second Hirsty's Bar: Leading from the Front!

    Wednesday, 3rd December. 7:30pm

    1867 Lounge,  Hillsborough

    Special Guests: Stuart Gray and Lee Bullen

    Details are as follows:

    Following negotiations with the caterers at Hillsborough , you will now have the opportunity to purchase food on the night over the bar ewhen you want it.

    They will have pie and peas available at only £4.25 (vegatarian option of Cheese and Onion pasty will also be available.) So you, our guests, will have the choice of whether you want food or noet


    David Hirst will be hosting the next Hirstys Bar one on Wednesday 3rd December.  Funds raised will go to the Community Programme and the Academy.

    Hundreds of Owls fans and Wednesdayite members have enjoyed our Hirsty's Bar events over the past few seasons. From Strikers' Night to Tales from the Treatment Table, every time Hirsty assembles his drinking crew, Owls fans are guaranteed an entertaining and informative night of laughs, tales and of course stand up Bingo!!


    Second Hirsty's Bar: Leading from the Front!

    Wednesday, 3rd December.

    Special Guests: Stuart Gray and Lee Bullen


    Venue: 1867 Lounge, Hillsborough Stadium

    Doors open: 7pm for a 7:30pm start



    £7 * per person 

    £6*  Wednesdayite members

    Get your tickets now 

    *Plus booking fee



    Read 12137 times Last modified on Monday, 08 December 2014 11:44