31 December 1969 m

Car Park - Update 28 May 2015

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  • As you will probably already be aware Tesco Stores Limited put the car park land up for sale at the beginning of last season. Under the terms of our lease we could be served three months notice to vacate the site.
    In early January Tesco Stores Limited sold the land to Penistone Hillsborough LLP - a Limited Liability Partnership linked to Eccelsfield based property developers Jaguar Estates Limited for just over £2.5m.
    The new owners approached us  shortly after the transfer and advised us they would be serving the three months notice to terminate our lease., but agreed to delaying the issue of this until February to ensure we could see last season out.
    Since then we have had discussions and meetings over their plans for the site and our use thereof. 
    The intention is for them to develop it as commercial property in the next few years, but they have agreed to granting us a lease for the next season.
    So Good News - we have the car park for you to use next season.
    However this comes at a cost , our  annual rent next season will be £20,000 higher (approximately £40 additional per space for the season).
    We canvessed the existing permit holders ,as members and users of the car park, on pricing for next season amd we have used this as a basis for the charges for next season. We had a tremendous response to the survey with 234 responses out of 310 emails sent out. This equates to a turnout of 76% being far higher than the recent General Election!. We thank all those who contributed to the survey
    The results of the survey  is as follows:
    Car park Permit including membership 2015/16 - Average suggested by members £117.66 with the majority suggesting £120 or more (2014/15 £90)
    Disabled car park permit including membership 2015/16 - Average suggested by members £67.52 (2014/15 £33)
    Non member day rate 2015/16 - Average suggested by members £6.88 (2014/15 £5)
    Member day rate 2015/15 - Average suggested by members £5.57 (2014/15)
    We have taken the views of our members on board and based the pricing sturcture on their suggestions, approriately rounded to give the following prices for next season:
    Car park Permit 2015/16 £120 (including £10 membership) (£5 per game based on 23 league and 1 cup game)
    Disabled Car park permit 2015/16 £72 (including £10 membership) (£3 per game based on 23 league and 1 cup game) 
    Non member day rate £7.00
    Member day rate £6.00
    The permits will go on sale on Tuesday 23rd June , prior to the membership renewals from 1 July. During the period 23 June to 1 July we will be offering a 5% discount on the above prices to encourage early renewals. We urge you to buy early as spaces are limited
    In the survey we asked for volunteers to help us with a car park litter pick and tidy up on Saturday 9th May, although we had 8 volunteers from the survey only 3 of these turned up on the day, These volunteers togethe with Wednesdayite directors managed to fill a 8T skip in 6 hours work. Thanks go to those who assisted. as a reward for helping we will be offering the volunteers 50% off their car park permit for the season.
    Other improvements
    We have had the car park bays and yellow lines remarked in the permit side and  also had half of the cash side marked to increase the overall capacity and to help the match day volunteers. We ask all users to park in marked bays and not on any double yellow lines in the car park.
    We have also had some trees removed which should reduce leaf litter in the winter and also allow more natural light on the cash side.
    Jeff and Paul will be spending next weekend spraying the weeds growing through the gaps in the concrete etc to hopefully kill these off before the start of the season/
    We will need some volunteers in July ot assist in getting the car park match day ready, we will announce a date one we know the pre season match schedule. We will be having limestone chippings delivered to fill in any holes/sunken drain covers etc. so any help would be appreciated
    Read 13377 times Last modified on Thursday, 28 May 2015 12:31