31 December 1969 m

Wednesdayite Sponsor Darryl Lachman

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  • Wednesdayite are proud to announce that we are the Player Sponsor for Darryl Lachman for the 2015/2016 season.


    As player sponsor we get an invite for two to the Sponsors Christmas Dinner in early December and you could be a guest on Darryl's table.

    All you need to do to enter is join or renew your membership of Wednesdayite before the 1st September to enter the Members Christmas Draw.

    So for only £10 not only do you get the chance to be at the Christmas Dinner but you get  fantastic members pack , free entry into our pre match lounge at the Nigagra, discounts on away coach travel and discounts on match day parking.

    CLICK HERE for more details




    Read 11955 times Last modified on Sunday, 02 August 2015 12:54
Paul Holmes

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