Budweiser Club Futures, which is in its second season, will help non-league side Handsworth Junior Sporting Club, who play in the Sheffield and Hallamshire County Senior Football League, replace their grandstand.
The ambition of Budweiser Club Futures is to help clubs to help themselves, with the grant recipients using their funding to improve their general facilities and make their club more financially sustainable. These funds support the clubs to be at the heart of their communities, helping to ensure the future of the beautiful game at the grassroots level across the UK.
Budweiser Club Futures has also been supported by the Football Foundation, who helped decide the grant recipients, and The FA Facilities and Investment team, who provided advice and guidance to the non-league clubs applying. The programme has now invested a total of £1million directly into 16 non-league football clubs in the UK over the last two seasons.
Handsworth is now in with a chance of winning an additional £100,000 Super Grant which will top up their funding to a total of £150,000 following a vote by football fans on Facebook. The voting is now opens on the Budweiser UK and FA Cup Facebook pages.
Bob Hill, Club President and founder of Handsworth Junior Sporting Club, said:"This grant will help us create our vision of providing the best possible football experience for our own players and families and also our opposition. The plans we have in place for the grandstand are now very much a reality thanks to the Budweiser funding and I know the community will reap the benefits once it’s complete.”
Budweiser Club Futures ambassador, Alan Pardew, said: “Having plied my trade in non-league football, I am under no illusions as to the graft and dedication required to sustain a local club.
“As Budweiser Club Futures ambassador for a second season, I have seen first-hand the difference the funding has made to last year’s recipients. Once again, we received some brilliant and inspiring applications. This is great to see as it reinforces the passion that these clubs have to grow and achieve their ambitions.”
“Handsworth’s application was outstanding, and to think they could add a further super grant of £100,000 means that Bob and his staff have an exciting few months ahead.”
Budweiser Senior Brand Manager, Christian Flouch, said: “Non-league clubs are the backbone of the beautiful game in this country, and often of their local communities too. Whether the money goes towards resurrecting clubs on the brink of extinction or fulfilling their dreams of climbing the football pyramid, watching them flourish as a result of Budweiser Club Futures is fantastic. Congratulations to Handsworth and we look forward to seeing the results of the grant award.”
The 2013/14 grant recipients, all in steps 5-7 of the English football pyramid, are:
Bedfont Sports FC – London, East Grinstead Town FC – South East, Parley Sports Club – South West, Bromsgrove Sporting FC – West Midlands, Basford United – East Midlands, Handsworth Junior Sporting Club – North East,Wythenshawe Amateurs FC – North West, Linton Granta FC – East
All clubs that have applied for grants over the two seasons’ have received ‘Running a Sustainable Club’, a guidance booklet to help them become more sustainable.
What a great night in the Ambers bar as we launched our month long Club Futures Campaign to bring £100,000 to Grassroots football here in Sheffield...

A packed Ambers bar were treated to a great night and the 1st public showing of the inspiring video "Real Football.....made in Sheffield".
The video received rapturous applause from those present as it was aired for the 1st time.
Local actor and video narrator Roger Bingham gave a rousing rallying call to the packed venue, Ambers Chairman John Ward explained the clubs plans for expansion and the clubs vision to be the benchmark for Grassroots football.
All the special guests were thanked for their support and attendance, Richard Cabourn MP, Sufc's Harry Maguire, SWFC's and Ex Amber Aaron Jameson, Boxers Scott Jenkins and Adam Etches, representatives from SHCFA and the County Senior League, representative from the Friends of Handsworth group, Sheffield winter Olympian Summer Hayes and great turn out from Doncaster Belles with a number of players in attendance. Frankie and Benny's provided some great food and their enigmatic mascot Sketch, together with Specially commissioned Desserts by Pete's Patisserie.
Local band The Natterjacks(pictured) gave an amazing performance including the soundtrack to our video, and the night finished with an fantastic impromptu vocal performance by Sheffield's very own Paul Pashley.
Steve Holmes the Club Development Manager says "Now the hard work starts.......we must get Sheffield talking and VOTING! ...We have 1 month to make £100,000 worth of difference.... please spread the amber Word and VOTE HANDSWORTH!"
It costs you nothing to vote and ensure the £100,000 goes into local grass roots football so please help this local club
To vote click here to go to the voting page within Budweiser Facebook Page, click the Handsworth Club Badge and then simply submit your name and email to vote!.